VR Career Camps prepare for the transition from high school to postsecondary education, training or employment. VR Providers have the flexibility to create a unique, fun Career Camp experience by delivering any combination of the following Pre-ETS in a bundled format, when school is out for at least three consecutive days (e.g., Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter breaks).
The Career Camp Pre-Employment Transition Services Program is a partnership through the Department of Education, Division of Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) that provides pre-employment transition services to students with a 504 Plan, an Individual Educational Plan (IEP), or other documentation of their status as a student with a disability. These services help prepare students between the ages of 14-21 for transition from high school to postsecondary education, training or employment. These students are not VR customers or actively receiving services through VR.
The Career Camp Pre-Employment Transition Services Program offer as a stand-alone service, or in a combination of services for each student participating in the program. The service descriptions below are examples of what will be provided during the program.
Job Exploration Counseling
Instruction on the benefits of competitive integrated employment and employment options at every level of education available in the local labor market. This may include, but is not limited to, reviewing interest and ability surveys, reviewing career websites, instruction on career choices, or other similar activities.
Postsecondary Educational Counseling
Counseling on opportunities for enrollment in postsecondary educational programs or comprehensive transition programs and identifying financial aid options.
Workplace Readiness Training
Soft-skills training, employability skills training, social/interpersonal skills (i.e. communication, problem solving, decision making, conflict resolution, empathy, professionalism, etc.) and independent living skills training related to employment (i.e. good hygiene, money management, time management, using technology and assistive technology, appropriate dress, appropriate behavior, etc.).
Work-based Learning Experiences
Paid or non-paid work experiences in the community, volunteer work, job shadows, short or long-term internships, on the job training, employer mentoring activities that is provided in an integrated environment to the maximum extent
Self-Advocacy Training (SA):
This may include, but is not limited to instruction in self-awareness, disability disclosure, requesting accommodations, understanding rights and responsibilities, self-determination.
Provide assistance to participants on career counseling, job readiness training, job development, placement & maintenance, and job accommodation assistance. Our staff will give ideas and advice on filling out applications and interviewing for particular jobs and, with your approval, work with an employer to modify the job site and facilitate the provision of assistive devices to meet your needs. Your active involvement in job placement is important to successful employment. After you begin working, your Employment Consultant will continue to follow your case for a minimum of 90 days to ensure that you and your employer are satisfied with the placement.
(OJT) is an excellent opportunity for both employers and job seekers with disabilities. With OJT you, the trainee, will participate in hands-on training in an integrated work setting. This specialized training allows you to develop skills and gain experience that will enable you to advance in your current career or perform a job in your desired industry. When you participate in OJT, you will interact on a regular basis with employees who do not have disabilities, work in comparable positions, and are paid no less than minimum wage. Candidate that participate in OJT can expect to earn a salary while training; train in your desired field; gain valuable work experience; interact with employees through integrated work setting; prepare to enter the workforce.
All program participants are invited to complete our Pre-Employment Classes. These courses were designed to provide job seekers with disabilities the knowledge & tools to become successful. Pre-Placement Training curriculum is provided during face-to-face or virtual interact. Take control of your job search by learning proven strategies to find and keep employment. These strategies are highlighted in the training modules. This training is mandatory 20 hours to participate.
Pre-Employment Transition Services (Pre-ETS) offer students with disabilities an early start at career exploration and preparation for adult life. Students with disabilities may participate in Pre-ETS without having to apply to VR or be determined eligible for services. The focus is to explore careers, develop work skills, practice social skills and acquire a network of community supports while the student is still in high school.
Beginning at age 14, students with disabilities can connect with VR for Pre-ETS through the school transition staff, guidance counselor, or self-referral. VR works with students, their families, their schools and community partners to enrich transition planning and support students with gaining knowledge and experiences necessary so they may make informed decisions about their future. Under the Workforce Innovation and Opportunities Act (WIOA), every student (ages 14-21) with a disability has the opportunity to participate in Pre-ETS. This includes:
Job exploration counseling
Postsecondary educational counseling
Self-advocacy training and peer mentoring
Work readiness training
Work-based learning experience
Provide supported employment to individuals who, because of their disabilities, need ongoing support services to succeed in the competitive workforce. Supported employment has helped many customers already. Researchers have studied different types of programs that help customers find and keep employment. These studies compare supported employment to many other vocational approaches and they consistently find that supported employment assists more customers with getting and keeping their jobs than any other approach.
Transportation is extremely important. Workforce Solutions of Tampabay, Inc. will provide transportation to Vocational Rehabilitation customers for adequate transportation to scheduled interviews and training etc.… at the request of a Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor.
Vocational Rehabilitation
Since FY 2013, WSTB has been under contract with the State of Florida, Department of Education, Division of Vocational Rehabilitation, its primary objective is to assistance vocational rehabilitation program participants in developing the skills to obtain and retain employment.
WSTB’s passion in finding careers for people with disabilities is complimented by the demand from employers who embrace the many rewards associated with a successful placement. We coordinate opportunity with talent and provide support with on the job training, career counseling, employment services, supported employment and so much more. Our goal is to work with people 18 years of age and older who have mental health or physical disabilities. Our objective is to develop goals that enhance their abilities and proficiencies related to gainful employment. The success rate of people with disabilities in the workforce is high because both the employers and the employees genuinely want to succeed.