Summer Youth Program
Summer Youth Pre-Employment Transition Services Program is a partnership through the Department of Education, Division of Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) that provides pre-employment transition services to students with a 504 Plan, an Individual Educational Plan (IEP), or other documentation of their status as a student with a disability. These services help prepare students between the ages of 14-21 fortransition from high school to postsecondary education, training or employment. These students are not VR customers or actively receiving services through VR. .
The Summer Youth Pre-Employment Transition Services Program offer as a stand-alone service, or in a combination of services for each student participating in the program. The service descriptions below are examples of what will be provided during the program.
Job Exploration Counseling: Instruction on the benefits of competitive integrated employment and employment options at every level of education available in the local labor market. This may include, but is not limited to, reviewing interest and ability surveys, reviewing career websites, instruction on career choices, or other similar activities.
Postsecondary Educational Counseling: Counseling on opportunities for enrollment in postsecondary educational programs or comprehensive transition programs and identifying financial aid options.
Workplace Readiness Training: Soft-skills training, employability skills training, social/interpersonal skills (i.e. communication, problem solving, decision making, conflict resolution, empathy, professionalism, etc.) and independent living skills training related to employment (i.e. good hygiene, money management, time management, using technology and assistive technology, appropriate dress, appropriate behavior, etc.).
Work-based Learning Experiences: Paid or non-paid work experiences in the community, volunteer work, job shadows, short or long-term internships, on the job training, employer mentoring activities that is provided in an integrated environment to the maximum extent
Self-Advocacy Training (SA):This may include, but is not limited to instruction in self-awareness, disability disclosure, requesting accommodations, understanding rights and responsibilities, self-determination.